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4 Tips to Create a Writing Routine (You Won’t Want to Break)

person writing on laptop and pad of paper

Writing is a process. It can be hard to start, and just as hard to work at consistently. Writers often have many ideas, but struggle with knowing where to start. Finding the free time and motivation can be hard for new writers. Here are a few tips to create a writing routine that you’ll stick with!

1. Establish a Writing Schedule

Creating a writing schedule is an absolute must for any writer. A consistent writing schedule will help you form a habit of writing, which is vital to any writer. Stephen King emphasizes the importance of a writing schedule in his book, On Writing.

It’s important to make time in your day that is best for you. If you know you work best early in the morning, schedule a time to sit down and write. If you have a nice amount of time in the afternoon, use that to write. And if you’re a night owl, capitalize on the quietness to establish a schedule.

It also doesn’t have to be every single day, either. If you feel like you can only give three or four days a week to your writing right now, start there. Make sure you’re consistent! Stick to it even if you don’t want to. This will help your brain associate a certain time with writing, which will reinforce your schedule, improve creativity, and also improve your writing skills over time.

2. Create a Dedicated Writing Space

Having a dedicated writing space is really helpful for sticking to a writing routine. Knowing you can escape to your writing space will help you as a writer. Your writing space can be as elaborate as a writing cabin on your property, a dedicated writing office in a room in your home, or simply your favorite chair in your favorite room. Think of the space as your sanctuary.

Be sure to keep your space tidy to cut back on distractions. Declutter your office space or writing nook to keep things orderly. Put a system in place to keep clutter at bay so you won’t need to declutter as often.

It’s important to be able to limit distractions so either close the door or put on some noise-canceling headphones. If you can, turn off your phone, or at least disconnect from the Internet. Eliminating as many distractions as possible is helpful as you try to write.

3. Try Different Writing Techniques

Switching up your writing approach can be really helpful. Trying something new can get your creative juices flowing. There are many different writing methods writers use, so consider trying some of these new methods until you find something that works.

You can also use different writing methods to kick off your writing time and once inspiration strikes, you can buckle down and work on your projects. Kickstarting your writing can be difficult, but here are some tips to tap into your creativity.

4. Find an Accountability Partner

Having a friend check in on you and your writing progress can do a lot to help you stick to your writing routine. Even just telling someone in your life about your goals is helpful because it verbalizes your commitment. Be sure to be specific about your goals so your friends and family can ask the right questions to help keep you accountable.

If you’d rather not share this with your family or friends, find a writing group in your area or online. These groups will help keep everyone in the group accountable and would be a great place to bounce ideas off of other people. These groups are also a great place to receive feedback and criticism on your writing, something that is very important in writing processes.

These are just a few tips to create a writing routine. Writing takes a lot of practice, but it’s a rewarding journey. And if you’re curious what other writers have to say about writing and the process involved, check out these books by writers for writers.

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