Google Update: From Google My Business To Core Algorithm Updates

What’s New From Google: Core Algorithm Updates and Google My Business Tweaks
Hey, it’s that time again!
While there is plenty more to talk about than just Google on the podcast, we do like to give updates from time to time on any significant new “goings-on” with your favorite search engine and the ever tweaking (not twerking) Google Algorithm.
There are plenty of rumors going around the search forums with regard to a possible core algorithm update this past weekend, among other changes with regard to Google My Business and testing with the local 3 pack. Many businesses are constantly worried about rumblings with regard to any Google algorithm updates, yet it is so easy to forget that updates are happening constantly…especially as RankBrain gets settled in as a key part of the algorithm.
We will cut through the hype and get right to the meat of what you need to know to keep your business optimally visible in the SERPs and mobile search.
Thank you for taking the time to listen and please send us your questions. We LOVE answering them and always appreciate your input. At your next political rally, make sure you ask your congressman to crank up the MIND Your Business podcast!

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